the journal planner™ monthly view NOTEPAD

Take the chance to get a slice of our signature planner for home health nurses in this notepad. This is one of our time saving tools that literally takes a page from our popular JouRNal™ Planner so you can have the monthly aspect of planning and organizing your OASIS assessments at your fingertips in the form of a notepad!  Whether you decide to carry this monthly calendar view around as a flat page or by folding it in half as a book cover or folder for your other important OASIS assessment forms, you will always be aware of your schedule for the month to ensure you hit your monthly OASISI assessment requirements!

The JouRNal Planner Monthly View Notepad helps home health nurses better plan for and schedule your OASIS assessments, while keeping track of your completed assessments as the month flows.

And it makes sure that you understand the depth of each of your scheduled OASIS assessments because this calendar view organizes your OASIS assessments by OASIS assessment type. 

So, it's one of the tools that we've created to help you avoid "burn-out" from scheduling and completing too many heavy and complicated OASIS assessment types too close together. 

On the other hand, it can also help you knock out a certain number of OASIS assessments in order to reach a specific financial goal...say before you plan to go on vacation or take some time off!

go from accepting any and all oasis assessments that your intake department sends your way to taking control of your schedule and monthly oasis assessment planning so you can have an idea of and set your own monthly time boundaries in advance each month



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50-paged notepad

An 8.5x11, 50-paged notepad that is glued on one side for easy tearing, organization, and even 3 hole punching.

24/7 questions 

The ability to ask and present your questions about this notepad via our help email address, or via our chat bot found in the bottom right corner of our website.

What You'll Get...

take a closer look at the notepad's details...

the journal planner monthly view is for you if...

You're tired of never having a control of your OASIS assessment scheduling or planning 

You’re ready to know your EXACT OASIS assessment case load for each month so you can live life outside of being a home health nurse 

You'd like a simple, quick, and easy to use one stop glancing shop for your monthly OASIS assessments becasue running around looking for that little piece of paper that you wrote your schedule on last for the birds!!!




* This notepad is a physical product, meaning it will be printed and shipped to the address that you provide at checkout. 

* This notepad is not to be copied or reproduced for any reason without written permission from the publisher.

got questions?

Email me! I'd love to help!