Get my conversation and thought organizing tool that helps you document any and all conversations you have with your managers and supervisors. With this tool, you will always have one place for those sometimes tough and even easy conversations where you can prepare for, jot down notes during, and store for later usage all of the exact topics you discuss with your managers and supervisors to help you track your ability to communicate your needs as well as those of your patients. 

The Manager Convos™ Notepad helps guide your preparation for, organize your thoughts and questions during, and track the accountability of your managers to do their part in helping you reach specific outcomes and resolutions for yourself and your patients.

go from allowing your needs and questions falling through the cracks to holding yourself as well as your managers accountable for the action steps and objectives that are discussed during your one-on-one conversations TO IMPROVE YOUR communication skills, and ability to reach resolutions while making every conversation with your manager count towards your next step to promotion



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50-paged notepad:



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1-paged printable:


50-paged notepad

A 50-paged notepad that is glued on one side for easy tearing and organization for your your patient and performance matters that need to be discussed.

instant pdf printable

A 1-paged pdf cheat sheet that can be instantly downloaded and/or printed for easy and lifetime access for your patient and performance matters that need to be discussed.

24/7 questions 

The ability to ask and present your questions about this notepad via our help email address, or via our chat bot found in the bottom right corner of our website.

What You'll Get...

the choice between:


the manager convos notepad is for you if...

*This is a cheat sheet is not to be copied or reproduced for any reason without written permission from the publisher.

You're tired of not reaching resolutions or getting answers to your questions during conversations with your manager

You’re ready to keep your manager accountable for the items discussed during your conversations

You'd like a simple, all in one place to document and track your performance evaluation conversations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ol for understanding, organizing, and tracking all of your OASIS skilled nursing missed visits for all of your patients.




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