nursing narrative note™ blueprint

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The Nursing Narrative Note™ Blueprint is a step-by-step guide that helps OASIS Home Health Nurses understand, organize, and craft their patient’s OASIS assessment data into their OASIS nursing narrative notes on auto-pilot.

Whether it’s a start of care assessment or recertification, for a younger patient or older patient with ANY number of co-morbidities and ICD codes, build an accurately effective process for writing OASIS nursing narrative notes —even if you feel like your writing in the past has absolutely sucked, you can't figure out what to write, or how to write it in a way that Medicare will receive it BEST, or think that completing so many steps is overwhelming... because hey, it did to me, too.

get the only "copy + paste" oasis nursing narrative note guide!


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product features



Plursing™ Method

In these 34 pages, you will find a comprehensive technique that uses templates and examples to help you understand the purpose of the OASIS nursing narrative note, its required sections and items, and the relationship that this note has on the ability of your patients to receive life-saving home health care services that are paid for by Medicare

Key Term Report™

Understanding each every section and piece of vocabulary that makes up the OASIS nursing narrative note is the foundation of this process. Within 9 pages, lives a clear, in-depth interpretation of each mandatory item in your OASIS nursing narrative with examples.

Nurse Narrative Note Template "on empty"™

Let's write your narrative note without "blank page syndrome" by using this 5 paragraph framework to guide you in its "blank" state through entering your patient's data to construct and arrange each required section and item of your OASIS nursing note

Nursing Assessment + Intervention Table

Providing proof for what you've done with a patient is everything as a home health nurse. With these 2 dynamic tables spread across 54 pages is a list of nursing assessment/evaluation procedures with their corresponding nursing interventions for you to choose from based on your patients health care needs and nursing diagnosis that can be “copied+pasted” to craft your nursing notes. 

Nurse Narrative Note™ Template

Let's write your narrative note without "blank page syndrome" by using this 5 paragraph framework to guide you through the construction and the exact placement of each required section and item of your OASIS nursing note

Patient Eligibility Verification Tracker™ 

Completing this checklist before starting any patient's assessment is going to be crucial in saving your time and energy that can be placed towards more productive tasks. This checklist is a basic set of questions to answer regarding each patient that allows you to confirm that the patient should indeed move forward with completing an OASIS start of care (recertification, or resumption of care) assessment

wondering if this is a good fit for you?

"Real Life" Basic OASIS Nursing Notes ™

Get my already submitted and approved by Medicare OASIS nursing narrative notes to serves as guides and proof that this method works. These 8+ "real life" examples have been cherished by and beneficial to more than 1,000 home health in their journey to writing better nursing notes

"Real Life" Complex OASIS Nursing Notes™

With a combo of basic + complex OASIS assessment nursing notes, these 4 cases demonstrate the diverse health care acuities, as well as sheds light on the progression of your nursing notes from the patient's start of care through to discharge. Get my already submitted and approved by Medicare OASIS nursing narrative notes to serves as guides and proof that this method works.

"Trischana has outdone herself with this blueprint! It encompasses so much information about OASIS and its relationship to our notes as well as our patients' needs. Everything she covers in this blueprint is extremely beneficial to all home health nurses utilizing Medicare with the need to write OASIS notes. I went from being singled out for horrible notes, to being singled out for improving to amazing notes with guaranteed raise potential for accepting performance eval input and seeking training to exceed the expectations of my following eval."


"Trischana has been a home health nurse and originally created this blueprint for herself after private training back in 2014. I've had the pleasure of serving on her beta test groups, and I must say that the understanding that she must have in order to create these tools is absolutely astounding. For this blueprint, in particular, I was able to get a deeper understanding of my OASIS nursing narrative note in addition to learning how to craft it. This is a task that I've been working hard to master with input from my agency review team, but wasn't able to actually master with confidence until working with Trischana. She's truly warm, welcoming, and doesn't rest until you get exactly what makes you confident!"


"First of all, I had no idea that there are tools available like Trischana's blueprint, nor was I hip to someone like Trischana being so genuinely devoted to helping home health nurses. I have gone from residing within myself that I needed to leave home health to having Trischana teach my entire group of nurses at my agency, all because of the measurable consistent growth I gained as a home health nurse that my agency was able to recognize and then capitalize on by having Trischana teach our entire nursing staff. Of course, my training with Trischana was more intimate, but the "blueprint" ALONE was enough to make my agency inquire about my personal growth".


"I came across Trischana on Instagram during one of my late-night documentation sessions. I was feeling defeated, alone, and wondering how I got to that point. Before I knew it, we were DMing each other and there was this huge negativity lifted from me. She recommended the blueprint to give me an overview of my OASIS nursing narrative note, and it was just the perfect mix of "need to know", mixed with templates and examples, and the colors are so eye-opening and positive. There is something very new, welcoming, and fun about the way Trischana teaches within her tools and I'm very excited to see and purchase more." 


"The blueprint is the best money you will spend as a home health nurse using OASIS. It serves as my road map for not only writing my OASIS nursing narrative notes but also as my gauge for collecting patient data during my assessments. The amazing thing about that though is, Trischana even has tools that help you with OASIS assessment data collection that intertwines with this note tool! Being introduced to Trischana has changed my nursing career from uncertainly stressful to confident bliss and I just can't thank her enough for knowing exactly what we need and being willing to share it with us wholeheartedly."


the nursing narrative note blueprint is for you if...

*This is a blueprint is not to be copied or reproduced for any reason without written permission from the publisher.

You're tired of second-guessing your OASIS nursing narrative notes

You’re ready to feel 10X more CONFIDENT about your OASIS nursing narrative notes—and know it's “Medicare-Friendly”.

You'd like a simple, step-by-step guide for understanding, organizing, and writing all of your OASIS nursing narrative notes for any patient, ICD-code, and assessment type.




It’s time to get ACCURATELY EFFECTIVE with a SUSTAINABLE plan for writing your OASIS nursing narrative notes.

with our nursing narrative note blueprint

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